
What is CryoTherapy

Whole body CryoTherapy is the process of exposing a large portion of a person’s skin to extreme cold temperatures for short periods; usually two to three minutes.
This triggers the body’s natural metabolic and circulatory responses resulting in several significant long term medical and cosmetic benefits.

Medical benefits:

  • Improved Athletic Performance and Recovery
  • Weight Loss
  • Arthritic and other Inflammatory Pain Relief
  • Psoriasis and Dermatitis Relief
  • Increased Energy and Mood Elevation
  • Improvement of Sleep Disorders

Cosmetic Benefits:

  • Improved Skin Tone
  • Reduced Cellulite

How It Works

Therapeutic hyper-cooling triggers the body’s survival response, resulting in increased collagen production and endocrine system stimulation.

Increased collagen production improves skin tone and smoothness while the anti-inflammatory effects of endorphins helps treat serious skin conditions such as dermatitis and psoriasis.

Endocrine stimulation, responsible for increased endorphin production, among other effects, has many positive outcomes such as:

Improved immune function responsible for better general health, decreased stress and improved sleep

Increased metabolic rate, leading to faster weight loss

Musculoskeletal benefits including anti-inflammatory action for pain relief from arthritis, over training or injuries.